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Reading After Care

I got a reading….now what?

My goal is to make sure you feel confident in your reading and all the steps you take after. But I know that getting a reading can feel very overwhelming and leave you feeling unsure about what to do. So use this as a guide on the next steps to follow to soak up as much from your reading as possible.

During The Reading

Don’t try to use the reading session as a place to answer all your questions. Instead, it’s giving you tools to answer your question later! During the reading, take notes or sit with the trends and patterns that pop up. Here are some things to keep in mind during your reading:

  1. Come with an Open Mind: Be open to whatever messages come through, even if they aren’t what you expected. Tarot readings can reveal insights in unexpected ways, so being flexible and willing to hear different perspectives will allow for a richer experience.
  2. Be Honest and Open: Feel free to share any context or background on your situation with me. The more you open up, the more personalized and meaningful your reading can become. Tarot is about creating a dialogue, and your openness can help guide our conversation.
  3. Take Notes: I will be recording our sessions for your eyes only, but bring a notebook! Tarot readings often bring up a lot of information, and having a way to look back at key points can help you reflect and take action later on.
  4. Stay Present and Engaged: During the reading, stay in the moment. Engage with the cards and the discussion. Ask follow-up questions if something isn’t clear. The more involved you are, the deeper and more empowering the reading will be.
Immediately After
  1. Reflect in Silence: Spend a few moments in quiet reflection to absorb the key messages from the reading. Give yourself time to sit with the information before rushing back into your routine. This helps you avoid feeling overwhelmed and allows you to integrate the guidance more naturally.
  2. Journal Your Thoughts: Writing down your initial thoughts and feelings can help you process the reading. Journaling allows you to capture any lingering insights, emotions, or action steps that came up during the session. This can also be useful for future reference as you implement the guidance you received.
  3. Hydrate and Move: Drink water to help re-ground your body after the emotional and mental energy spent during the reading. A short walk or some light stretching can also help release any tension and bring you back to the present moment.
2-3 Days After
  1. Revisit Your Notes or Reflection: Look back at any notes you took during our reading and recall the key messages that stood out. Now that you’ve had some time to distance yourself from the immediate emotions of the session, you may notice new layers of meaning or fresh perspectives emerging. This reflection can deepen your understanding of the reading’s guidance.
  2. Observe Patterns and Shifts: Pay attention to any shifts in your thoughts, feelings, or external circumstances since the reading. Often, tarot readings can reveal patterns that become more evident with time. Notice if anything the cards pointed to has started to manifest or if you’ve gained more clarity around the issues discussed.
  3. Take Small, Intentional Actions: After a couple of days, you might feel ready to start acting on the guidance. This is a good time to implement small, meaningful changes based on the reading. For example, if the reading suggested a need for better boundaries, try setting one small boundary in your personal or professional life. These small steps can help you align with the tarot’s wisdom without feeling overwhelmed.
A Week+ After
  1. Assess Changes and Progress: Look at how your life or mindset may have shifted since the reading. Have you taken any actions based on the guidance? Did any patterns or themes from the reading emerge in your daily life? This is a good time to evaluate how well the reading’s advice has resonated with your situation and whether you’ve made progress in the areas you focused on.
  2. Consider Follow-Up Readings: If you feel you’ve implemented the guidance from the initial reading but are now facing new questions or challenges, it may be time for a follow-up session. Tarot can offer ongoing insight, especially when you’re in a period of transition or personal development. A new reading can help you navigate the next phase of your journey.